性别 :男
籍贯 :新疆伊犁
研究领域 :农业经济与农村政策
邮箱地址 :tang051@njau.edu.cn
2024年8月获荷兰瓦赫宁根大学农业经济学博士学位。在Land Use Policy、Journal of Rural Studies、Applied Economics letters,《中国土地科学》《437ccm·必赢国际学报(社会科学版)》等刊物发表多篇论文。主持江苏省研究生创新项目1项、参与国家级项目3项、省部级项目3项,出版著作1部。
[1] “农地产权治理、流转契约选择及其经济绩效——来自中国东部三省的经验证据”(江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生科研创新计划项目,省立省助,KYCX19_0594)(主持)
[2] 粮食与食品双安全战略下的自然资源持续利用与环境治理(Sustainable Natural Resource Management for Adequate and Safe Food Provision,SURE+)(参与)
[3] “村庄治理视角下农地产权状态、农地流转契约结构与农业经营绩效:影响机制与政策设计”(国家自然科学基金项目,71773054)(参与)
[4] “农地流转模式、流转契约与农业规模经营模式组合:驱动力、绩效与机制设计”(国家自然科学基金项目,71373127)(参与)
[5] “二次调查“不稳定耕地”综合分析”(中国土地勘测规划院委托项目)(参与)
[6] “全国城镇土地利用强度及生态环境效应分析”(中国土地勘测规划院委托项目)(参与)
[1] 唐亮, Xianlei Ma*, Yuepeng Zhou et al. 2019. Social Relations, Public Interventions and Land Rent Deviation: Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China. Land Use Policy, 86, 406–20. (SSCI, Q1)
[2] Na Li, 唐亮, Xuchao Che, Xiaoping Shi, Xianlei Ma*. 2022. Does the democratization level of village governance affect perceptions of security and integrity of land rights? -An analysis from the perspective of social network abundance. Journal of Rural Studies, 94, 305–18. (SSCI, Q1)
[3] Tongwei Qiu, Biliang Luo, 唐亮, Qinying He. 2021. Does land tenure security increase the marketization of land rentals between acquaintances? Applied Economics Letters, 1–4. (SSCI, Q4)
[4] Qinhang Xu, Peixin Zhu, 唐亮*. 2022. Agricultural Services: Another Way of Farmland Utilization and Its Effect on Agricultural Green Total Factor Productivity in China. Land, 11, 1170. (SSCI, Q2)
[5] 唐亮, 刘军芳, 马贤磊*. 城市建设用地消耗强度与经济社会水平协调发展研究——基于城市发展阶段的分析[J]. 中国土地科学, 2017, 31(11): 73-82. (CSSCI)
[6] 马贤磊*, 唐亮, 孙萌丽. 城镇土地生态环境效应的影响因素研究:基于LMDI分解模型[J]. 437ccm·必赢国际学报(社会科学版), 2018, 18(02): 117-128+161. (CSSCI)
[7] 马贤磊*, 车序超, 李娜, 唐亮. 耕地流转与规模经营改善了农业环境吗?——基于耕地利用行为对农业环境效率的影响检验[J]. 中国土地科学, 2019, 33(06): 62-70. (CSSCI)
唐亮. Arable Land Scarcity in China – the Role of the Land Rental Market. The Netherlands: Wageningen University and Research, 2024. ISBN:978-94-6510-034-0
1) 唐亮, Jack Peerlings, Nico Heerink, Xianlei Ma*. Cultivated land expropriation in China ─ the roles of agglomeration and government fiscal deficits.
2) 唐亮, Jack Peerlings, Nico Heerink, Xianlei Ma*. Estimated size and determinants of Fertilizer overuse in China:Results from Jiangxi and Liaoning Provinces.
3) Huaiyou Wang, 唐亮, Xianlei Ma*. Impact of public advisory services and private outsourcing services on environmentally-friendly use of pesticides: Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China.
4) Na Li, 唐亮, Xianlei Ma. Land titling program, village democracy and land rental market development in China.
5) Xianlei Ma, 唐亮, Nico Heerink, Xiaoping Shi*, Yuepeng Zhou. Tenure security, social relations and contract choice: Endogenous matching in the Chinese land rental market.